Technical Issues - Moonwell
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Technical Issues

Issues with the website, forum, server connection, and other technical aspects.

Before creating a topic, please familiarize yourself with the most common issues.

When logging into the game, it freezes on "Establishing connection" or "Connecting"

Check the file – it should contain only: set realmlist You can download the ready

The issue may also arise from too frequent login attempts. Just wait a minute and try again.

We have a backup realmlist that can be used in case of such issues: set realmlist If the issue persists, your antivirus or provider may be blocking the server's IP or port 3724. Contact your provider or reconfigure your router.

Disconnected from the game (connection lost)

The most common cause of this issue is incompatible addons. Try removing all addons from the World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns folder. Another possible cause is an unstable internet connection.

If the game crashes with a critical error after viewing the bank, it means you're using a patched WoW.exe. Download the original one here. If the critical error occurs due to other actions, try downloading the game from our website and reinstalling it.

If you are kicked from the game after performing specific actions, contact a GM and describe the steps that lead to the crash.

Periodic ping spikes (lags)

If the server response time used to be fast but now you notice delayed chat messages, characters of other players freezing, spells not casting, or casting animation freezing, you are likely experiencing lags. To accurately diagnose this, we do not recommend relying on the "Delay" scale in the game menu. Instead, check as follows: send a message in chat — if it appears with noticeable delay, it indicates a problem. The causes of lags can vary: local issues (slow internet, antivirus), failures with your provider (rarely), or problems on our server (very rarely).

  • Keep in mind: if lags are observed only by you, it clearly indicates a problem on your side.
  • If several players are affected, the cause may be failures in the backbone routes of internet providers. These issues are usually resolved within a few minutes or hours.
  • If all players are experiencing lag, it indicates a server-side problem, and we are most likely already working on fixing it.

Consistently high ping

According to statistics, the average ping for players on our server is 51 ms. If you experience consistently high ping (from 300) for several days, it is likely due to the distance between you and our server or very rare network issues. In this case, unfortunately, the only way to attempt to reduce the ping is to use a VPN — either your own or use the built-in VPN on the server when entering the game world.

Low FPS (low frames per second)

When FPS (Frames per Second) drops, the in-game image moves jerkily rather than smoothly. This issue is typical for low-performance computers. To improve FPS, try lowering the graphics settings in the game.

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