Asking for Gm assistance - Жалобы - Moonwell
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Hello i want to report a specific player named Deusvult (enh shaman) i was wondering how he almost 1 shots plate cloth lether s4 normal gear it doest matter i think there is Wpe involved or some sort of hack for damage,some people might say that is normal for Legendary weapons but i m saying not because im the owner of those wepons too and i dont hit half as much damage could someone research this case? (I can proove ingame too) with regards.

  • Администратор

I don't see anything unusual. He damages you when you're in PvE gear, and you damage him when he's in PvP gear.

2 hours ago, Gensen said:

This is a joke right? Hes got 2 pvp items lol...and shouldnt you hit less with pvp gear due to lack of atack power and crit and other stats?


  • Администратор

Your doubts are based purely on subjective feelings. You're showing a screenshot where two WF procs hit your character, which is partially in leather without a single PvP item (mby waist and shoulder). Obviously, the damage will be that high. Ask that shaman to hit a training dummy to measure the DPS and do the same yourself — that will give you a clearer comparison.

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