Raid leader whom kick ppl from raid - Жалобы - Moonwell
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Raid id 162681 (BT raid)

Hi , i wanna report a raid leader name Zaiteki whom rkick me without any reason from raid after i got id just cuz i asked him to use epic mode and he doesnt even know how to fix it and then called me retarded and rkick me . 

He clearly broken server rule 3.13 and then intentiionaly try to replace me by some one else after i got id by his raid.

I demand max penalty by server rules. + he insulted me after i warned him about to  report his action. here is the proof.






According to the rule 3.13, the penalty is for systematic exclusion without explanation.
A single case cannot be systematic. Also, there may be a valid reason why any RL can decide to remove a player from a raid without having to explain the reasons for their decision to everyone personally.
It's your right as a player to decide for yourself whether or not to raid with that raid leader from now on. Or be a raid leader yourself.

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well there wasnt any reasonable or logical ones he rkicked me. game master and whom were in the raid can check it out and i did my task and all what RL said during that raid. 

but politley explain him to change the loot from uncommen to epic mode for less clicks which was frustrating . but he prefer to get ride of me. 

So i demand judement and refer to server rules, raid leaders can not rkick ppl without any specific reasons or explanation after made them get id. 

Изменено пользователем Messina

Please, help to find information in the server rules that RL must explain the reason for kicking a player from the raid? I could not find. And in general, it is logical that the Leader has the right to make such decisions himself.

15 часов назад, Messina сказал:

well there wasnt any reasonable or logical ones he rkicked me. game master and whom were in the raid can check it out and i did my task and all what RL said during that raid. 

but politley explain him to change the loot from uncommen to epic mode for less clicks which was frustrating . but he prefer to get ride of me. 

So i demand judement and refer to server rules, raid leaders can not rkick ppl without any specific reasons or explanation after made them get id. 

«So i demand judement and refer to server rules»

ahahah. Are you serious? Also, write a statement to the police😃


As far as I know - having an objective reason and explaining it to each raid participant is not the same thing.
Let's say: 
1. There is an objective reason. 
2. RL kicks a player
3. The RL does not explain this reason to the raid.
There is no information anywhere in the current raid rules that the RL has to explain the reason to you. It says that it should be. The RL could give the reason for the kick AFTER the kick, in the raid chat. in this case, you just won't know about the reason.
For example, a player is a nub and does not know that he is a nub. RL sees objectively bad game and has the right to kick a player, but should not explain to each player how to play. And the player may think that he was kicked without an objective reason. You can't explain everything to everyone - it's a waste of time.

And what is meaning of “objective reason” in your language? does it include the “explaining theme”?

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thats exactly why i asked the gms to check out the raid , to see if he has objective reasons or not? and also check out my activity during that raid , and if & maybe if there is any kind of explaination after kicking me out by him on raid chat lemme know that , or its just a false excuse. (gms can check out its validition) and if there was none so i got id only by his biased decision, which is not allowded and called intentional and systematic exclusion of a player from an active raid. which is obviouly against the rule 3.13 (cuz the player got id for 3dys and some hours after that rkick by raid leader) and as RL he should accept the later consequences of such actions , Otherwise every raid leader allowded to him/herself to rkick players from raid without any objective reasons(refer to server rules) and make slots for his freinds or other one alts /chars by claming that i dont like that guy in my raid ! which is obviously doesnt make sense at all and its abusing his rank/permission on that raid. (Cuz if he doesnt like or any other kind of personal emotions upon that person in 1st place or during the raid he could have refuse invite him to his raid before made him get id , or Raid Leader is just allowded to replace him if he doesnt listen to rl instructions after couple warnning by RL whom should try to correct the person mistakes, he can not just inv players for 1 or 2 bosses then kick them , then again invite another round of players for next 2 or 3 bosses and then again kick the new players whom just invited or keep going this loop again and again. So if this custom became prevalent, then all raid leaders try to make raids invite some random players in their raids and on important bosses or specially last bosses (soul quest of bosses) they prefer to raid kick the players whom were in raid from its beggings and replace them with their firends or their desired chars for only 1 boss (last boss occasinally) so that they get/complete their quest and get the double benefits (for exmaple not wate 1-2 hrs on bt run & get the best loots such as legendry glaive,thoridal etc. &  just invite them for illidan and save their freinds time).

(Also in this specific case gms can track the raid and check the validity of my statements).

Изменено пользователем Messina

In that case every GM should be thoroughly versed in all pve aspects of the game, which of course is impossible to achieve. It's not Blizzard employees here, it's game fans like you.
In this case, it is strange that a GM would get involved in gameplay without proper competence. 

example: in the rules of pvp (arena and bg) wintrade (incomplete resistance) is forbidden. I feel like 50% of the players on the bg are doing this. But in fact there are just nubs who don't understand the principles of the game. So it will be incomprehensible to them, and it will seem unjustifiable to punish them for their level of play.

Looks the same, mb u were kicked for a reason that RL can understand, but GM not. Mb not. There are no ways to check. I wanna see the result also)


For example, do you think that low dps could be the reason? or wrong totem? didn't interrupt a cast? didn't dispel a spell?

Perhaps the raid leader was not satisfied with the quality of play of a particular player and decided to replace him. nowhere in the rules does it say that the RL has to explain to everyone what he was not satisfied with.

Otherwise RL turns into a secretary, less and less people make raids on the server and more and more people complain that they were poorly served in the raid. 
RL - Raid Leader. The leader has the right to decide on the composition of his raid. For the point in the rules to take effect - such behavior must be Systematic (not 1 time)


well i assure u , that there wasnt any kind of those problems which or problems like them you name them. i admit that low dps /didnt listen to him when use bl or not /use proper totems /intrupt intime properly or etc which are related to game mechanics can be considered as an objective reasons. But there wasnt any kind of those or mistakes at all. None even one. and i was on top 3 dps with shaman elem.

He just ricked me cuz he got butt hurted .

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and i asked @SecDet @Murovei @Peanut@Agrest to deal with this ticket and reply asap to end this endless loop of debates with you .(the one whom even wasnt in there) sick of these debates which you even wasnt in that raid.

P.S. @Dromok"You know nothing John Snow ! ! ! "


Изменено пользователем Messina

I'm just interested in making sure that there are more people willing to create raids and raid leaders should have the last right to make decisions. The unjustly offended may fall in this battle, press F, and move on. sry, even if u are good player, nubs can kick u and its ok…

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51 minutes ago, Dromok said:

I'm just interested in making sure that there are more people willing to create raids and raid leaders should have the last right to make decisions. The unjustly offended may fall in this battle, press F, and move on. sry, even if u are good player, nubs can kick u and its ok…

Whit all respects to all respected fair raid leaders whom active in this server.this case isnt about all raid leaders. Its about one specific person whom knows nothing about the raid leading responsibilities and its tasks and consequences.(and just brough his personal intrests and grudge to game & combined it with his autority as raid leader and abused his abilities in that raid which is totally diffrent case.)

The pve side of this server is just alive cuz of its raid leaders whom has the balls to take responsibility and accept a duty wether they are known are its consequences. Cuz majority of time its them whom has been punished harder. in a server whit less than 150 active member which u can buy all stuff with donations and couple money its quite admirable except abusive ones.

Pluse i didnt mean to offend you or be disrespectful to you. but you are debatting alot and keep mixing lots unreasonable assumptions and reasons variable which are not related to that specific raid and that specific person. 

Raid leading is not just looting or spam in /RW (raid warnning) . maybe its for some ppl whom just only played here it is. but honestly its not like that.

Изменено пользователем Messina
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I tried here to make some raids from LFG, and will never do it again. its more secretary job, than real gameplay. wright this and that, dont forget about explaining and being respectfull with some khm bad players… more rules for RLs = less raids.

Изменено пользователем Dromok
On 2/18/2025 at 6:04 PM, Messina said:

and i asked @SecDet @Murovei @Peanut@Agrest to deal with this ticket and reply asap to end this endless loop of debates with you .(the one whom even wasnt in there) sick of these debates which you even wasnt in that raid.

P.S. @Dromok"You know nothing John Snow ! ! ! "


@SecDet @Carmack@Murovei@Peanut@Agrest its has been passed almost 3days and you didnt still read /reply the ticket. (i know you are maybe busy in your real life but please do something about it as soon as possible. i appreciated that.)

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