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2025-01-22 16:49:41 #155233 [Teks]->ROLL_GROUP: item 32505 - 82 (class: Warlock, spec: 0/21/40)
2025-01-22 16:49:41 #155233 [Thegranzqq]->ROLL_GROUP: item 32505 - 5 (class: Shaman, spec: 19/42/0)
2025-01-22 16:49:41 #155233 [Okunb]->ROLL_GROUP: item 32505 - 81 (class: Rogue, spec: 20/41/0)
2025-01-22 16:49:41 #155233 [Teks]->ROLL_GROUP_WON: Player Teks received Item 32505 (greed) (class: Warlock, spec: 0/21/40)

https://db.moonwell.su/?item=32505 перераспределен с Teks на Okunb.

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