Контент Lil - Moonwell
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Весь контент Lil

  1. Lil

    To Gm Murovei

    Haha stop crying, maybe you should ban yourself from opening 1000 tickets. haha
  2. Lil

    spam whisper

    GM, What's wrong with this character, why does he whisper to me? Is there any punishment? CEZARE - HOMELES
  3. This player TEROR is not breaking the rules of WoW by changing my name with nicknames. He deserves severe punishment. I look forward to your responses. IT SEEMS LIKE HE NEEDS A BAN OR SILENCE FOR LIFE.
  4. Yeah need clear this chat and silence these players, first teror...
  5. JAJAJAJA kebab
  6. Ban messina stop spam nob
  7. Russian kebabs defending their friend the Russian kebab, I hope they ban the one who voted for Messina.
  8. haha kebab need ring
  9. Lil

    legendary mount

    Good afternoon, I propose in the donation area that you can buy legendary mounts for those of us who do not have enough time to complete the chain of missions to get a mount that we want so much, for example: The Black Qiraji Battle Tank, Reins of Lord Raven, bear Guera amani. To mention some that are very beautiful, that is why I hope that what I propose can be fulfilled, thank you. Black Qiraji Resonating Crystal Reins of the Swift Spectral Tiger Amani War Bear Reins of the Raven Lord
  10. I can't do the mission @Agrest Could you please reset my character's mission, so I can complete the entire mission chain again, please.
  11. Lil

    Мут / бан

    The player continues insulting, does he deserve a punishment? master player? Or are the rules pure? who is DOG? swango<tpycuku<unhizalo<deefoz
  12. Lil

    Мут / бан

    The most racist player I know on the entire server is accusing me without evidence. Why don't you insult me now? How do you do it with all the players?
  13. The player continues insulting, does he deserve a punishment? master player? Or are the rules pure?
  14. Stop cry Kebab
  15. I think the same, apparently they don't take the rules seriously...
  16. Again this toxic player racist
  17. now insulting with his other account
  18. @Gensen @MuroveiThe player UNIZHALO and in all his accounts (swango,swinger,tpycuku, & more), he insults the players all the time. And I wonder who is DOG? Who is KEBAB? who is IDIOT? Use these words to refer to and insult other players, disrespecting them by using inappropriate NICKNAMES. That's why I wonder, are the rules not followed? He is calling other people names all the time and that is why something has to be done about it, I await your response, thank you.
  19. anachronos doesn't give me the next quest.
  20. Hi, please can help me im accidentally delete the mission long forgotten memories to get the qiraji mount, do you know how I can get it again please. Thanks
  21. Hi, please Could you put it in English? it would be of great help. Thanks.
  22. They banned my account unfairly. I don't understand the reasons, on the battlefield I only reported the afks and it is not fair that they banned my account. I hope it is resolved soon, thank you. Happy new year. 7 d. 3.12 (1)
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