Контент Messina - Страница 2 - Moonwell
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Весь контент Messina

  1. is there any accessible way to talk with you & your own personally and critise some of your staff members actions? or they are all so sacrated? and their mistakes or misjudgements which sometimes doesnt makes sense should be imposed to all? And any criticism by unfair punishment and bullying by the law that only defends them. Under any circumstances and in any situation (even if they have clearly made a wrong decision.) and by bullying and bullying just because they have executive responsibility on the server. are to be accepted? For example, the following case: the leader of raid forgot to inform all the members about the appointment. Should a player be punished for helping others just because someone else can't bear to see him succeed out of envy and greed? And the leader of the raid should be suppressed and suffocated just because he defends the truth and justice? Please, personally, as the highest authority and owner of the server, check this particular case. I know that this is not part of the description of your duties and responsibilities and for such cases responsibilities are classified. But I request you to check this particular case yourself and express your opinion. Even if item removed from winner and raid leader get punished by his unwanted mistake under pressure of leading and countlless whispers ... seems more fairer rather than to redistribute the item to for someone who tries to take personal advantage of the rules of the server and use the neglect of the group leader for the benefit of his own greed. https://forum.moonwell.su/topic/689-stunstun
  2. Messina


    @Gensen@SecDet Murov consideration & judgement seems more fair . plz do the right thing. this is not the right decion you are about to decide .. think twice for a moment. THIS IS SO SO WRONG!!!!
  3. Messina


    @Gensenthis decsion is so redicilous. and i have objections on it and i am asking for justic which obviously isnt this one.
  4. Messina


    he is not my frend whom got the gliave nor even guildie or something else .. he just came to help and we made an aggrement cuz i was missing required classes. and even if u check raid on looting illidan. i gave Stunstun the pathetic ... 2nd chance when he lost the roll 84 vs 36.. i even told that to winner are sure? wanna keep or pass.. i asked twice ... so maybe he would pass it to him. even in that raid another warior name Gowin was there but he didnt roll cuz he wasnt as pathetic looser as stunstun is. and he told on that he has 368 emblems and he can w8 for that item. even if you decide to remove the item seems more fair than giving to that guy. Cuz clearily he is trying to twist the rules and abusing and fake out the rules to get the legendry item he wanna in any fair/unfair way.
  5. Messina


    if a raid leader suppose to send every whisper he got during the raids from all other players and spamm it on raid warning. its like a mockery like cyricus ... during raids so many ppl join and so many ppl leave or dc or afk or have some thing which busy then in real life ... some times as raid leader i had to change 7 ppl of same raid ... during a raid. should i spamm it every single time? that bla bla bla loging other char or i should send my whisper or screen shot them since then? i dont give fuck about this topic but this is the players whom keep the server alive not the staff members ! remmeber that ! and i can claim i am one of the most active player of this server whom still believe in good fait and still can save the server but which these kind of decsions server is going down further and further.
  6. Messina


    May i ask why gms meddling in every details which are not duty major? with your unnecessary intervention of staff members in every single raid you are going to make server worse than ever day by day. what you have done recently? raid leaders cant kick worse ppl in raids whom going afk or playing bad cuz if they get id only, wether they are terrible player or not. or they start to threaten the raid leaders to report them to get banned.(i am talking in general not about this specific case). the only person whom is danger is just raid leaders whom are more courage than others to make raids. and about this case i wanna your reply logically and fairly .. if the gliave didnt drop this guy would make this topic about it? or not ! ... he just doing that cuz he is trying abuse the servers rules !
  7. Messina


    @SecDet this is quite bullshit decesion. u and others gms just with your wrong rules made the server worse . Have you ever been a raid leader in a current sutiation of server which u barely can find 10 ppl to log specifc classes which are needed for BT or any other dunges? all ppl wanna come warior or roue in for that raid only. also Momon the warlock he told me that he has the soul of illidan and he doesnt neet the q item nor any other item but i asked him for help and offer him he can swap his warior for last boss if he needs the soul on that. its just co-insident the gliave just dropped. but if a crying kind like Stunstun(Speedy) lost his roll he sould accept that. but he is trying to abuse anyway by the rules of server to get his gliave.cuz he is just an immature kid whom blaze of legendry blinds his eyes.
  8. https://db.moonwell.su/?item=34181
  9. Messina

    warlock with healing ring!

    1.raid bt raid id 139029 2. Blessed Band of Karabor 3. raid rule was main spec roll need and off spec greed . and the warlock just needed the healing ring! here is the proof:
  10. Messina

    Rude & Toxicity

    refer to server rules. 1.1 & 1.2 while i was talking this guy Thepal came from no where and addressing me whit his insults. so asking for considerations.
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