Dromok - Moonwell
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Dromok стал победителем дня 19 января

Dromok имел наиболее популярный контент!

4 Подписчика

Информация о Dromok

  • День рождения 27.10.1992

Посетители профиля

Блок последних пользователей отключён и не показывается другим пользователям.

Достижения Dromok

  • One Month Later
  • Collaborator
  • Week One Done
  • Dedicated
  • Reacting Well

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  1. I tried here to make some raids from LFG, and will never do it again. its more secretary job, than real gameplay. wright this and that, dont forget about explaining and being respectfull with some khm bad players… more rules for RLs = less raids.
  2. Agree, but RL shouldnt explain his decisions if he doesnt have willing. this is the case.
  3. I'm just interested in making sure that there are more people willing to create raids and raid leaders should have the last right to make decisions. The unjustly offended may fall in this battle, press F, and move on. sry, even if u are good player, nubs can kick u and its ok…
  4. For example, do you think that low dps could be the reason? or wrong totem? didn't interrupt a cast? didn't dispel a spell? Perhaps the raid leader was not satisfied with the quality of play of a particular player and decided to replace him. nowhere in the rules does it say that the RL has to explain to everyone what he was not satisfied with. Otherwise RL turns into a secretary, less and less people make raids on the server and more and more people complain that they were poorly served in the raid. RL - Raid Leader. The leader has the right to decide on the composition of his raid. For the point in the rules to take effect - such behavior must be Systematic (not 1 time)
  5. In that case every GM should be thoroughly versed in all pve aspects of the game, which of course is impossible to achieve. It's not Blizzard employees here, it's game fans like you. In this case, it is strange that a GM would get involved in gameplay without proper competence. example: in the rules of pvp (arena and bg) wintrade (incomplete resistance) is forbidden. I feel like 50% of the players on the bg are doing this. But in fact there are just nubs who don't understand the principles of the game. So it will be incomprehensible to them, and it will seem unjustifiable to punish them for their level of play. Looks the same, mb u were kicked for a reason that RL can understand, but GM not. Mb not. There are no ways to check. I wanna see the result also)
  6. Добавлю: само улучшение - крайне поддерживаю, давно пора было эту дырку закрывать. Мне показалось нелогичным делать это в процессе ивента. Неужели, прям на примерах надо?)
  7. Понятно. Ну раз не видно, значит доказывать не буду. По итогам сезона посмотрим кто и в каком спеке/гире забрал призы. P.S. В моем понимании подобное изменение влияет на игровой процесс, неважно как классифицировать термин (хоть исправление, хоть улучшение, хоть апргейд) - условия изменились в процессе.
  8. Dromok

    Обновление 128

    Спасибо за обновление. Была исправлена система регистрации хиллеров на арене в середине сезона. Это уже влияет на текущий сезон арены. Часть игроков успели заабьюзить эту систему, часть нет. Каким образом планируете сбалансировать выход обновления в середине сезона?
  9. As far as I know - having an objective reason and explaining it to each raid participant is not the same thing. Let's say: 1. There is an objective reason. 2. RL kicks a player 3. The RL does not explain this reason to the raid. There is no information anywhere in the current raid rules that the RL has to explain the reason to you. It says that it should be. The RL could give the reason for the kick AFTER the kick, in the raid chat. in this case, you just won't know about the reason. For example, a player is a nub and does not know that he is a nub. RL sees objectively bad game and has the right to kick a player, but should not explain to each player how to play. And the player may think that he was kicked without an objective reason. You can't explain everything to everyone - it's a waste of time. And what is meaning of “objective reason” in your language? does it include the “explaining theme”?
  10. There's nothing in here about the need for an explanation.
  11. Please, help to find information in the server rules that RL must explain the reason for kicking a player from the raid? I could not find. And in general, it is logical that the Leader has the right to make such decisions himself.
  12. According to the rule 3.13, the penalty is for systematic exclusion without explanation. A single case cannot be systematic. Also, there may be a valid reason why any RL can decide to remove a player from a raid without having to explain the reasons for their decision to everyone personally. It's your right as a player to decide for yourself whether or not to raid with that raid leader from now on. Or be a raid leader yourself.
  13. Вопрос темы: как в таких случаях РЛ должен трактовать правила? ответ ждем.
  14. Мне интересно, как РЛ может определить наличие айтема у персонажа, если он не надет в данный момент?
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