Ninja loot by leader - Complaints - Moonwell
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Posted (edited)

@ game master

raid id 158689

raid to naxxarams

in raid both priests (shadow priest and coh) announced that they gonna roll for shadow. and at last boss inv_staff_73.jpgGolden Staff of the Sin'dorei dropped and i won the roll on offspec. and i didnt pass it.cuz i can use it as shaman too.

but raid leader Omb (the warlock) gave it to preist without asking my permission and officaily broken rule 3.11 of server . plz punish the raid leader and redistribute the item (he even mislooted the satff to retri pala at the end) .thanks



Edited by Messina
  • Game Master


2025-02-01 12:33:33 #158689 [Omb]->RAID_WARN:[Golden Staff of the Sin'dorei] off
2025-02-01 12:33:34 #158689 [Тарелочница]->ROLL:1-100 = 25 (class: Priest, spec: 19/42/0)
2025-02-01 12:33:35 #158689 [Вудуист]->ROLL:1-100 = 45 (class: Priest, spec: 14/0/47)
2025-02-01 12:33:38 #158689 [Messina]->ROLL:1-100 = 68 (class: Shaman, spec: 41/0/20)
2025-02-01 12:34:19 #158689 [Omb]->LOOT_MASTER_GIVE: 34337 to Владик (class: Paladin, spec: 5/11/45)
2025-02-01 12:33:43 #158689 [Omb]->RAID_LEADER: shaman ?
2025-02-01 12:33:57 #158689 [Messina]->RAID: ye its off spec and i can use it
2025-02-01 12:33:53 #158689 [Omb]->RAID_WARN: 45 win
2025-02-01 12:34:09 #158689 [Omb]->RAID_LEADER: this is not for you
2025-02-01 12:34:35 #158689 [Владик]->RAID: no need
2025-02-01 12:34:41 #158689 [Omb]->RAID_LEADER: you ro,ll it !
2025-02-01 12:34:59 #158689 [Omb]->RAID_LEADER: omg
2025-02-01 12:35:00 #158689 [Omb]->RAID_LEADER: sry
2025-02-01 12:35:04 #158689 [Omb]->RAID_LEADER: russian
2025-02-01 12:35:07 #158689 [Omb]->RAID_LEADER: name redistributed from Владик to Messina.

Omb banned.

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