Moonwell x100
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Fast Start

The "Fast Start" service will save you time and give you a fully playable character of any class and race!

On Moonwell x100 you will receive:
Race, class, and appearance of your choice
Level boost to 70
All flight paths opened
All spells learned
PvE/PvP gear of ~A2 level
15 best sockets and 1 meta socket
Unlimited enchants for 3 days
Professions with a skill level of 375
Ground mount at 100% speed and flying mount at 60% speed
4 bags with 18 slots each
Skill level increase for armor and weapons up to 350
On Moonwell x5 you will receive:
Race, class, and appearance of your choice
Level boost to 70
All flight paths opened
All spells learned
Starting blue gear
15 sockets
Professions with a skill level of 350/375
Ground mount at 100% speed
4 bags with 8 slots each
Skill level increase for armor and weapons up to 350

How does it work?
Activate the service in your control panel ➡ Create a new character ➡ Choose items on the website ➡ Confirm and send items to the mailbox ➡ Log in to the game and get your ready-made character!