The Punisher Опубликовано Воскресенье в 20:58 Опубликовано Воскресенье в 20:58 (изменено) @SecDet Hi, refer to this ticket, you said item Chronicle of Dark Secrets will be redistributed, but i havent received it yet. i suppose you might forgotten or redistributed that to a wrong person. please consider again and check out thanks. Regards Bigballs. P.S. on that raid i announced that i roll shadow preist and i had the 87 roll the highest roll. Изменено Воскресенье в 20:58 пользователем The Punisher
Гл. Гейм-мастер SecDet Опубликовано Понедельник в 06:53 Гл. Гейм-мастер Опубликовано Понедельник в 06:53 There were no messages from the start of the raid until the boss kills stating that the priest was rolling for Shadow Priest gear. The item was distributed according to the roll.
The Punisher Опубликовано Понедельник в 16:11 Автор Опубликовано Понедельник в 16:11 (изменено) @SecDetyou are sure about it ? that raid leader or me didnt announce that ? cuz everyone were aware of it and if i rolled other spec they would have protested. (please double check it out again. then if there wasnt any announcement that would be leader fault then cuz i was on shadow spec at start) thanks anyway. Изменено Понедельник в 16:13 пользователем The Punisher
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