The Punisher Опубликовано Четверг в 21:05 Опубликовано Четверг в 21:05 (изменено) Hi , i wanna report this guy Heysiri char for violation rule 2.2 (Please gms check the validity) he claims in global that he is another person and bought the account after got banned couple days ago(reason 3.11) or he/she is just a lier.( plz check it out his statements) here is the proofs: Изменено Четверг в 21:38 пользователем The Punisher
Гл. Гейм-мастер SecDet Опубликовано 12 часов назад Гл. Гейм-мастер Опубликовано 12 часов назад All of screens without server info command.
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