The Punisher Опубликовано 8 марта Опубликовано 8 марта (изменено) Raid id 168249 (Sunwell) Hi, a resto shaman whom was rolling resto as his main spec roll need Pattern: Sunfire Handwraps recipe as main spec (he should have greed , he didnt said he roll elem gear) and broken rule 3.11 & also he has bis rings(Blessed Band of Karabor & Ring of Flowing Life )on shaman but he rolled Ring of Harmonic Beauty which is totally useless for shaman resto. please redistribute the ring & recipe and punish him. thanks Изменено 8 марта пользователем The Punisher
Гл. Гейм-мастер SecDet Опубликовано Вторник в 06:30 Гл. Гейм-мастер Опубликовано Вторник в 06:30 It is not boss loot, we cant do nothing.
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