Raid leader whom kick ppl from raid - Страница 2 - Жалобы - Moonwell
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  • Гл. Гейм-мастер

You were removed due to toxic behavior towards the raid and attempting to dictate terms to the raid leader. You were asked to stop, but you continued. You were given the option to leave the raid voluntarily, but you stayed and did not comply with the raid leader's requests to stop your actions. As a result, you were removed.

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@SecDetThanks for such  informations cuz i thought before as raid leader i am not able to kick ppl from raid for such behavior and toxicity or when they try to dictate to me their terms how to lead in any circumstances.

Now i got my answer & it is clearified to me not. so by your comment as conclusion in future as RL when people didnt listen up to leader's instructions/commands/orders or they behaviour toxicated or dont stop protesting about the item they had lost on roll, i am allowded to do the same  give them option to leave the raid voluntairly and  if they didnt not comply with RL i can kick them out? am i correct?(asking @SecDet:Cuz honestly before that i didnt know as a RL i could not kick people after they got the id., just thought before can kick them if they dont listen up to RL and should tolerate them and suffer their presence till end of the raid after they got id from my raid.)

P.S. @SecDet after your reply to my previous question please close the topic. Thanks 

Изменено пользователем Messina
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2 hours ago, Lil said:

Ban messina stop spam nob

@Lil Keep hawling .... whom unleashed u D? Kebbab !!! 

Stop proving again and again your mental deficiencies here !! Cabron

Изменено пользователем Messina
  • Гл. Гейм-мастер

Yes, in your raid you set rules that do not violate the rules of the server and the raid obeys them. If you have said what needs to be done, but the player has not done it. You wrote this in the chat, checked the information whether the player did it or not, and you make a decision.

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