Rolling 2spec - Жалобы - Moonwell
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Raid id 161034

Raid Leader Sorg.

Good afternoon, the raid was on naxxarams and the drop rule was main spec need and offspec greed (said by rl sorg).

A priest COH name (Hollypolly) didnt mentioned he rolling other spec before 1st boss kill. and leader said multi times " if u roll other specs say now." (he said before 1st boss kills , still priest didnt say anything.

Although , after 1st boss killed and inv_shoulder_96.jpgShoulderpads of Knowledge's Pursuit dropped priest needed that and won and claimed he wanna roll shadow ( but refer to server rules and also raid leader call he should have said BEFORE the boss kill. but he didnt , anyway raid leader accepted then he rolling shadow and Sorg (raid leader from priest guild ) announced priest Hollypolly rolling shadow spec.

But , again on boss sapphiron he needed ,spell_shadow_deadofnight.jpgResilience of the Scourge  and won it , instead of greed, so officially he has rolled 2 diffrent specs. and raid leader also accepted that.

So, refer to server rule 3.11 he has broken this rule. So please redistribute the items he has need on both spec and consider if he or raid leader should be punished, or not.


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