Player named Goodshooter, a battleground troll needs to be banned from BG. - Жалобы - Moonwell
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Player named Goodshooter, a battleground troll needs to be banned from BG.

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Player named Goodshooter is trolling every battleground game he joins. He just waits whatever he is and just stays there AFK all game. No matter what BG is he uses same tactic. Not actively playing, not actively joining any team fights, just stays at one place.

It can be also checked from BG logs if there is any logs for history; for how many times in how many different matches he got reported.  Please check for his reported times for BG's too if you can, and you will see this is true.

Attached some examples of today for 2 different BG he joined, one for Alliance another is for Horde play. Please check and get him banned from battlegrounds for some time. Maybe he will learn to not troll and stop being toxic.

Best regards and have fun.








Is there any Game Master here on forum to take action? this person is still trolling on BG's and he can still join every time? how is this happening? Why are you not doing anything?


here is another example for todays Alterac, just waits there all game. you can check how many people reported him just this game.





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I have studied the logs and analyzed the actions of this player. Unfortunately, I have to agree with your complaint. In accordance with paragraph 3.2 of the rules, the player has been blocked.

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