Vivent - Moonwell
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Достижения Vivent

  1. I would like to @Stunstun show up here and tell us how much he is happy with his glaive now .when he pull a ban for his friend who cary him in all his raids as a rogue . And we all know that is rare are the leader's who cary rogues. It's so expensive this cost your head @Don mIke
  2. @Dromok100%right This is an abuse of the rule, which is aimed at something else. The only thing that everyone really needs to do is to notify the raid if you roll on another spec (the main is the current one by default). The war rolled on his spect. During the raid, players change their alt's frequently and constantly to boost the raid without any announcement from the leader, and I did not see any objection from any one before .The matter here is not related to Notification or not, the matter here is related to the weapon and the greed for this legendary
  3. Vivent


    If, under the raiding pressure, the leader forgets to announce what happened between them in the /W chat. who will pay the price? The peaceful player who came to help everyone was rewarded with envy and jealousy, and they were stingy with this victory. It would be unfair to withdraw his prize and cut off his joy just because another fraudulent player is trying to exploit this legal loophole to satisfy his greed. Think carefully before making any decision, especially from the human side. As for the technical side, you must review many of the server’s rules, as they no longer match its current situation
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