Контент gopi - Moonwell
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Весь контент gopi

  1. Hello again, Most of the people here plays on weekends to relax and have fun. It looks Game Masters are also having fun but outside and not taking care of server when its most crowded 7times. Just another example like 7 minute ago:
  2. Hello, Even if he provided screenshot with server info, GM's are not going to take permanent action at all. For example, there are 3 different topics just this weekend regarding this Cin person and his new created chars with server info included and NO ACTION IS TAKEN. There were a lot of complaints from other players and numerous posts in forum but he can still terrorize BG. Even with this many proof, GM will just write a generic reply like "yes, we punished him bad" and next week you will see this person again. Thats how they value their own server.
  3. Hello, It is really unbeliavable how can this person still play with no penalty at all. What kind of bribe he is paying?
  4. Hello everyone, Do you still want to continue playing on this server or not? Today is for someone, tomorrow is for you. Any Game Master on the job here on this server?
  5. gopi

    Cin is back

    Hello Game Masters, Non-stop troll is still on the job.
  6. Hello, Another question, how can he become raid leader with his new chars in every BG?
  7. gopi

    Cin is back

    Hello, His account named Cin is also active, just today he joined with original name too but i forget to take screenshots. Maybe he is a Game Master himself and we are struggling for nothing xD
  8. Hello Game Masters, Could you all tell us that just how many times this troll need to be reported to be banned from this server? What is the reason for his protection? Or if he is not protected, what is the reason he can keep doing that and cannot be banned? Dont you understand, people leaves or dont actively play due to this players behaviour. Please take this issue seriously and find a permanent solution. Best Regards.
  9. Hello, Is there any Game Master here on forum to take action? this person is still trolling on BG's and he can still join every time? how is this happening? Why are you not doing anything? here is another example for todays Alterac, just waits there all game. you can check how many people reported him just this game.
  10. gopi

    Cin is back

    Hello, This toxic person is still distrupting game here. It will also effect the reputation of this server if GM will not take any action, players will leave for sure. Other servers permanantly bans IP and e-mail address for similar toxic beings quickly. Here is the same thing today i attached it.
  11. Hello, Player named Goodshooter is trolling every battleground game he joins. He just waits whatever he is and just stays there AFK all game. No matter what BG is he uses same tactic. Not actively playing, not actively joining any team fights, just stays at one place. It can be also checked from BG logs if there is any logs for history; for how many times in how many different matches he got reported. Please check for his reported times for BG's too if you can, and you will see this is true. Attached some examples of today for 2 different BG he joined, one for Alliance another is for Horde play. Please check and get him banned from battlegrounds for some time. Maybe he will learn to not troll and stop being toxic. Best regards and have fun.
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