momo - Moonwell
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Достижения momo

  1. rule 3.11 Fraud during loot distribution in raids.There was no fraud if you go back to the raid data from the beginning you will see everything clearly but it is clear that there is FRaud and Exploiting the law for personal interests from this selfish, envious player who did not accept his loss easily
  2. It seems that the matter has taken another turn. I did not see any interference from the game master's in any other topic, which makes me wonder about the reason for this bias, or that the issue is so complicated that three GM's intervene to making a wrong judgment unfairly in the end.Another thing that makes me wonder is if the winner was Russian, would this be their reaction? Another question is if this change was made by a Russian player or a Russian leader, or did this problem happen on another boss.or the item was not legendary?There is no doubt that they would have a different opinion. Another question is, do these GM's have knowledge of how things go during the raid, or rather how players are gathered for the raid and how difficult it is? Are they aware of who the active players are on the server and also who leads the raids?we are talking here about most active player and most active leader in this server .These random and racist rulings can greatly harm the server, especially since all English players feel that they are oppressed
  3. momo


    yes @Don mIke he is (stun) trying to Exploiting server rules in devious ways
  4. momo


    1st of all i join raid with warrior Mmo from the beginning . and us much us there is no locks joined the raid leader ask me to log lock and That is what happened even if i dont need any thing on it and i did not roll with it all the raid i loged it and join with lock to help raid and help These are the people I thought were friends and game colleagues .i told him in /w chat that i need last boss on warrior .so even if the leader forgotten announce it.You can see that the warrior (Mmo) was still in group five so I will bring him in any moment and OFC roll/loot with was legal raid legal roll/looting @SecDet @Murov
  5. momo


  6. momo


    raid id 145827 Group loot . item id 323775 i rolled need (encha roll) think no one need but must go to offspect Greed by warrior Miracl please check this and Redistribut it
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