thats exactly why i asked the gms to check out the raid , to see if he has objective reasons or not? and also check out my activity during that raid , and if & maybe if there is any kind of explaination after kicking me out by him on raid chat lemme know that , or its just a false excuse. (gms can check out its validition) and if there was none so i got id only by his biased decision, which is not allowded and called intentional and systematic exclusion of a player from an active raid. which is obviouly against the rule 3.13 (cuz the player got id for 3dys and some hours after that rkick by raid leader) and as RL he should accept the later consequences of such actions , Otherwise every raid leader allowded to him/herself to rkick players from raid without any objective reasons(refer to server rules) and make slots for his freinds or other one alts /chars by claming that i dont like that guy in my raid ! which is obviously doesnt make sense at all and its abusing his rank/permission on that raid. (Cuz if he doesnt like or any other kind of personal emotions upon that person in 1st place or during the raid he could have refuse invite him to his raid before made him get id , or Raid Leader is just allowded to replace him if he doesnt listen to rl instructions after couple warnning by RL whom should try to correct the person mistakes, he can not just inv players for 1 or 2 bosses then kick them , then again invite another round of players for next 2 or 3 bosses and then again kick the new players whom just invited or keep going this loop again and again. So if this custom became prevalent, then all raid leaders try to make raids invite some random players in their raids and on important bosses or specially last bosses (soul quest of bosses) they prefer to raid kick the players whom were in raid from its beggings and replace them with their firends or their desired chars for only 1 boss (last boss occasinally) so that they get/complete their quest and get the double benefits (for exmaple not wate 1-2 hrs on bt run & get the best loots such as legendry glaive,thoridal etc. & just invite them for illidan and save their freinds time).
(Also in this specific case gms can track the raid and check the validity of my statements).