Контент Select - Moonwell
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  1. Select


    Hi Today we were on Zul'Aman And from Hex boss this leg dropped Raid id: 149315 Item Id: 34385 Lou was an elem shamy and also he didnt says rolls for enh or something like that. Loot was group loot and he pressed need for this leg, with elem spec I was 2nd roll and with Vanquesher char.. please transfer the following item. Thanks
  2. Hello game master I wanna transfer 1 item i looted wrong to myself(Vanquesher) Please transfer that item(chest) to Emzziper Transfer to: Emzziper Raid id: 141625 Item id: /script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("\124cffa335ee\124Hitem:34396:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0\124h[Garments of Crashing Shores]\124h\124r");
  3. Hello game master Today in CCK raid and on Morogrim, Muru's hand(Shadowed Gauntlets of Proxysm) dropped.. loot was Group loot and i miss click then needed for mistake on this item(hand) And player Alite(druid) needed too for 2nd roll but i won for my mistake and miss click.. then now i wanna transfer this item(hand) to him(Alite) .. Thanks a lot
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